The pay parity scheme provides higher funding rates to education and care services that attest to paying their certificated teachers at least the salary amounts described in Appendix 4 of the ECE Funding Handbook. All funding conditions that relate to the implementation and these higher Salary Scales can be found in the ECE Funding Handbook.

This calculator is to support service providers and certificated teachers to determine a certificated teacher’s salary step as required under the pay parity scheme.


The salary step for a certificated teacher should be agreed between the service provider and certificated teacher. The process for determining a certificated teacher’s salary step should be transparent and fair. The calculator is only a tool to aid in this process.

The Ministry does not provide advice on the appropriate salary step for individual certificated teachers.

Any dispute regarding a certificated teacher’s salary step is an employment matter between the certificated teacher and their employer. The Ministry is unable to intervene in employment matters. For information on employment matters, you can visit the Employment New Zealand website.

The calculator provides only a point in time calculation of a certificated teacher’s salary step. A certificated teacher’s salary step can change over time (e.g. increase in recognised service). Progression of the salary step should be tracked. The calculator is not a tool for tracking the salary step.p

For further queries about certificated teacher salary steps, contact